
I came to Caroline after months of dealing with gastrointestinal issues that kept flaring up. Going through the GP route was not having any effect and the only option was to prescribe medication. I didn’t want to stay on medication so I looked for alternative routes.

I had 3 sessions with Caroline and it felt great to be able to talk through the symptoms I was experiencing without being rushed. She explored with me what my lifestyle involved to identify some areas that were triggering my issues and then created a plan to work on these to improve my health. I have continued to do this and my symptoms are definitely improving.

Thank you for your help Caroline, it was so refreshing to have the time and space to explore health concerns and come up with some options to improve through lifestyle and not medication. Hugely recommended to anyone who needs some guidance to improve their health in the way our bodies are designed to.

J, Yorkshire, July 2021

Arrange a consultation with me and find out how lifestyle medicine can work for you too! Get in touch and start your journey to wellbeing.

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