30 Days of Healthy Living,  Lifestyle Medicine,  Living Lifestyle Medicine,  Sleep

26th January – Daytime Sunshine

☀️Get some daytime sunshine.

Exposure to natural light in the daytime, especially in the morning, can help improve sleep.

Exposure to light signals the brain to reduce and stop producing melatonin, which is the hormone that makes us sleepy. The less melatonin in our system, the more awake we are. Normally, as the day progresses into evening, melatonin levels build up and make us feel ready for sleep. 

🌤Getting bright light in the morning helps drive melatonin levels right down, and helps keep the sleep-wake cycle going. ☁️Even on a cloudy day, natural light is over 10times brighter than even the brightest indoor lighting.

🌥When we don’t get enough bright daylight in the day, and then add the wakening effect of lots of stimulating artificial light in the evening, the body’s levels of melatonin don’t vary as much as they would naturally, so the sleep-wake cycle is less pronounced. This leads to feeling tired during the day but finding it more difficult to sleep at night.

⛅️Tips to help your body’s natural sleep-wake rhythm:
☀️Get outside in natural light everyday
☀️….even if it is cloudy, or dull, or raining
☀️ get your sunlight in the morning if possible 
☀️10-15minutes can be enough…
☀️…but if you are having trouble sleeping, extend this to 30mins
☀️Try walking to work
☀️…if you’re working at home, get out and walk before work and “walk to work” round the block.
☀️Or take a walk outside during your morning break or at lunchtime
☀️In the evening turn the lights down at home and avoid artificial lights, especially screens.

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