Living Lifestyle Medicine

Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best for 2021.

2020 has been a year many of us will be glad to see the end of. But I like to try to be grateful for an celebrate the positive things that have happened, and not spend time worrying about the negatives, so here is my 2020 list of top 5 things I’m grateful for:
✨a great team of people that I work with, in my surgery, at the hospital, and the wider #teamnhs
✨the teachers at my kids’ school for being amazing and looking after my small people so I could keep working during lockdown 1.0
✨my family and friends for all the support when I’ve been so busy I’ve not been able to keep in touch or I’ve forgotten birthdays or other occasions
✨all my fellow lifestyle medicine enthusiasts who have studied with me and generously shared their knowledge, expertise and support.
✨running – my source of sanity and me time.

And thank you to all my followers for reading my posts! I have lots of things I am looking forward to sharing with you in 2021, starting tomorrow! Happy New Year!

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