4th January – bedtime routine
Have a bedtime routine (go to bed!) When you are tired in the evening, listen to your body and go to bed. It sounds so simple, doesn’t it? But we distract ourselves from going to bed, without even meaning to. I often think to myself “right, I’m going to have an early night tonight”, but it’s often followed by “I’ll go to bed right after I’ve done…” and then something gets in the way. It might be getting the washing out of the machine, or stacking the dishwasher, or picking up that odd sock off the floor, but then that needs putting away, and on the way I find a…
Happy Winter Solstice!
Happy shortest day of the year!! The good news is that from today the days start getting longer again, hurrah 😃 Anyone else fed up of the dark? I went out for a walk in the afternoon this weekend and it was getting dark by 3pm. I definitely feel more tired and it’s so much more difficult to get up on these dark mornings. This week I’ve been listening to this podcast episode https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/plant-proof-evidence-based-nutrition/id1367773989?i=1000501750684 It explains why our circadian rhythm (our body clock) is so important and affects every system of the body. It’s well worth a listen. It reminded me that although we take the seasons and simple things…