19th January – get enough sleep
Get the right amount of sleep for your needs 😴 ⏰The average person needs 7-9hours sleep per night. Unfortunately there is no test that can tell you how much sleep you need, and it does vary depending on what else is happening in your body – for example, you need more sleep if you are unwell. What happens if you don’t get enough sleep?❗️In the short term, your ability to function decreases – you become less coordinated, and less able to think clearly. For example, if you are awake for a whole 24hours, your functional ability is reduced to the same as someone who has a blood alcohol level at…
14th January – reduce screen time before bed
Reduce screen time before bed. 💻📱🖥I was wondering why I have been finding it difficult to get to sleep for the last few nights, and then I realised that have fallen into a bad habit of working way too late in the evening. General practice is super busy at the moment, and on top of the normal work I have been working on a couple of projects which I am super excited about, and I am looking forward to being able to share them with you soon… but in the meantime I have fallen down a rabbit hole of spending lots of time trying to get everything done and juggle…
12th January – warm bath at bedtime
🛁 Have a soak in a warm bath before bedtime. This is one of my favourite healthy habits, and it’s so simple, yet so effective. There a several benefits to a warm bath. 🛀🏼Firstly, for me it is just “me time”, the kids are in bed and it’s quiet and if I’m in the tub I literally can’t be doing anything else. In contrast, if I was trying to sit to have a quiet few minutes anywhere else I’d be tempted to go and just do whatever chore I had remembered needed doing that moment… A warm bath at bedtime can help you get a good night sleep in a…