Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best for 2021.
2020 has been a year many of us will be glad to see the end of. But I like to try to be grateful for an celebrate the positive things that have happened, and not spend time worrying about the negatives, so here is my 2020 list of top 5 things I’m grateful for:✨a great team of people that I work with, in my surgery, at the hospital, and the wider #teamnhs✨the teachers at my kids’ school for being amazing and looking after my small people so I could keep working during lockdown 1.0✨my family and friends for all the support when I’ve been so busy I’ve not been able to…
A bit of TLC…I always thought TLC was “tender loving care”. A bit of TLC is definitely a good thing – we need to show kindness to ourselves and look after ourselves, particularly when things are difficult. Taking time to de-stress and do some active relaxation increases our wellbeing, whether that’s time dedicated mindfulness practice or just taking a bath. But in the world of lifestyle medicine TLC also means Therapeutic Lifestyle Change. Therapeutic lifestyle change is what we prescribe to our patients. We ask patients to make changes to the way they live because the evidence tells us that the changes recommended will help reduce illness, promote well-being and…
A moment of mindfulness
It’s time for a moment of mindfulness…Right now. Stop what you are doing and bring your busy brain back from wherever it is, to this moment, right here, right now. Notice how you are feeling. Notice how you are breathing. There you are. One of the great things about mindfulness is that it doesn’t have to be a big deal. Whilst I totally love my daily morning 10min practice, and relish any opportunity to do a longer practice, it can be a right pain trying to fit everything in to the hectic-ness of life at the moment. But it’s ok, it doesn’t have to be like that! It’s not essential…