3rd January – Go for a walk.
Go for a walk! One of my top healthy habits is to get active and moving – in whatever way you can. Walking is probably the easiest way to get moving, because doesn’t have to require any special kit or clothing, and you can do as much or as little as you want. Today’s walk was a bit more of an ice-skating, mud-wading adventure than a brisk walk, but it is very pretty out through the winter field and lanes, even if it was all a bit boggy and/or flooded! Movement will feature in my top 30 healthy habits for January in various different forms, and I make no apologies…
2nd January – A mindful moment
A moment of mindfulness. Find a moment of mindfulness somewhere during the course of your day. This is not doing a formal mindfulness practice or a whole session, instead finding opportunities to be mindful throughout the course of the day. It can be something incredibly simple and everyday, such as waiting for the kettle to boil and listening to the sounds it makes, watching the leaves on the trees move, or noticing how your feet feel when you walk. ❄️❄️❄️❄️For me, this morning I was lucky enough to be stood in a snow shower, and whilst waiting for my car to defrost enough to be able to drive to work…
1st January – Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Have you made any new year’s resolutions? I must confess to being somewhat overwhelmed by the options available – every social media channel, news channel, even the App Store is trying to persuade us to make resolutions. Many of the initiatives are absolutely genuine and may be a good fit for some people, for example RED (run(or move)-every-day) January for those who want to get moving and improve their wellbeing, or Dry January for those wanting to reduce their alcohol intake. Others are trying to sell you things that you “need” to help you on your way… it’s easy to be lured in by the promise…