12th January – warm bath at bedtime
🛁 Have a soak in a warm bath before bedtime. This is one of my favourite healthy habits, and it’s so simple, yet so effective. There a several benefits to a warm bath. 🛀🏼Firstly, for me it is just “me time”, the kids are in bed and it’s quiet and if I’m in the tub I literally can’t be doing anything else. In contrast, if I was trying to sit to have a quiet few minutes anywhere else I’d be tempted to go and just do whatever chore I had remembered needed doing that moment… A warm bath at bedtime can help you get a good night sleep in a…
- 30 Days of Healthy Living, Lifestyle Medicine, Living Lifestyle Medicine, Physical Activity, Research Evidence
11th January – Go for a run
Go for a run (or get active anyway you like!) I was sooooooo pleased to see that the ice & snow had melted and it was safe enough to go out for a run – I am always impressed when I see people out running when it is snowy and icy, but I am way too much of a scaredy-cat and just end up looking like Bambi on ice. When it is snowy I stick to my big warm boots with extra grip and walk instead. 🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️So, today I laced up my trainers and went for my first run of 2021. From a physical fitness point of view, it wasn’t great,…
- 30 Days of Healthy Living, Lifestyle Medicine, Living Lifestyle Medicine, Patient Stories, Relationships & Connectedness
10th January – Belonging to your Community
Be part of your community I have spent today working at our local covid vaccination clinic; we have been vaccinating our over-80-year-old population, and health and care staff. Other members of the team went out to local care homes to provide vaccinations for the care home residents. I feel incredibly privileged to be part of such a great team of dedicated professionals. It is also lovely to be part of the local community, it is one of the best bits of being a GP. Whilst I was there today to give vaccines, I had the opportunity to meet so many different patients and hear their stories, and I was awed…