- 30 Days of Healthy Living, Lifestyle Medicine, Living Lifestyle Medicine, Mental Health, Relationships & Connectedness, Stress Reduction
15th January – self-compassion
Practice having self-compassion At the moment we are all dealing with so many different pressures and sources of stress. I am hearing every day from my patients about the challenges they are facing: changes to work, working from home, being furloughed, being out-of-work, key-workers being overworked and busier than ever to meet the demands of the pandemic, parents trying to juggle the demands of homeschooling and working at home, people who have been unwell, people with unwell relatives, the list just goes on and on and on… One thing which almost all of my patients say to me when they tell me how difficult they are finding things is “I…
14th January – reduce screen time before bed
Reduce screen time before bed. 💻📱🖥I was wondering why I have been finding it difficult to get to sleep for the last few nights, and then I realised that have fallen into a bad habit of working way too late in the evening. General practice is super busy at the moment, and on top of the normal work I have been working on a couple of projects which I am super excited about, and I am looking forward to being able to share them with you soon… but in the meantime I have fallen down a rabbit hole of spending lots of time trying to get everything done and juggle…
13th January – avoid refined sugars
Avoid refined sugars Anyone else still got piles of Christmas treats lurking at home?🍫🍫🍫As I said right at the beginning of the month, I hate diets – as soon as you tell me I “can’t” have something, that’s the one thing that I really want. So, how can I reduce refined sugar intake without turning it into a huge mental battle? Other people have told me that planning a treat into their meal plans works for them.But when I have tried rationing myself previously, I find it incredibly difficult with sweets and chocolates to limit myself to “just one” or “just a couple”… once I start nibbling, i just can’t…