5th January – eat a plant-based diet
Eat a plant-based diet 🍆Tonight’s dinner: baked aubergine stuffed with homemade spicy mixed bean and tomato stew, served with a mixed leaf salad, tomatoes and olives. 🥬Plant-based doesn’t have to mean plant-exclusive, so it doesn’t have to be full vegan or vegetarian, although both of those can be equally healthy options too. ⭐️There is an incredible wealth of evidence of out there for following a Whole-Food Plant-Based (WFPB) diet, just some of the benefits are: 🍎Lowers risk and may even treat and reverse some chronic diseases🍏Reduced risk of heart disease and cancer🍎Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity to the metabolism works more effectively, protecting beta…
4th January – bedtime routine
Have a bedtime routine (go to bed!) When you are tired in the evening, listen to your body and go to bed. It sounds so simple, doesn’t it? But we distract ourselves from going to bed, without even meaning to. I often think to myself “right, I’m going to have an early night tonight”, but it’s often followed by “I’ll go to bed right after I’ve done…” and then something gets in the way. It might be getting the washing out of the machine, or stacking the dishwasher, or picking up that odd sock off the floor, but then that needs putting away, and on the way I find a…
3rd January – Go for a walk.
Go for a walk! One of my top healthy habits is to get active and moving – in whatever way you can. Walking is probably the easiest way to get moving, because doesn’t have to require any special kit or clothing, and you can do as much or as little as you want. Today’s walk was a bit more of an ice-skating, mud-wading adventure than a brisk walk, but it is very pretty out through the winter field and lanes, even if it was all a bit boggy and/or flooded! Movement will feature in my top 30 healthy habits for January in various different forms, and I make no apologies…