30 Days of Healthy Living,  Living Lifestyle Medicine,  Nutrition

5th January – eat a plant-based diet

Eat a plant-based diet

🍆Tonight’s dinner: baked aubergine stuffed with homemade spicy mixed bean and tomato stew, served with a mixed leaf salad, tomatoes and olives.

🥬Plant-based doesn’t have to mean plant-exclusive, so it doesn’t have to be full vegan or vegetarian, although both of those can be equally healthy options too.

⭐️There is an incredible wealth of evidence of out there for following a Whole-Food Plant-Based (WFPB) diet, just some of the benefits are:

🍎Lowers risk and may even treat and reverse some chronic diseases
🍏Reduced risk of heart disease and cancer
🍎Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity to the metabolism works more effectively, protecting beta cells which produce insulin, reduces cholesterol and triglycerides.
🍏Feeds your microbiome, which are the incredibly important friendly bacteria in your gut.
🍎Lowers inflammation throughout the body (important because high levels of inflammation are associated with many conditions such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes).
🍏High in anti-oxidants, important for preventing cancer.

Most of all, WFPB is yummy, according to the taste-test by the kids! I was expecting complaints as it’s something I’ve not made recently, but all three of the kids ate all their beans, there was a little bit of whinging about aubergine skin, but other that we had all almost no complaints which is definitely a win!

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