30 Days of Healthy Living,  Living Lifestyle Medicine

1st January – Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Have you made any new year’s resolutions?  I must confess to being somewhat overwhelmed by the options available – every social media channel, news channel, even the App Store is trying to persuade us to make resolutions.  

Many of the initiatives are absolutely genuine and may be a good fit for some people, for example RED (run(or move)-every-day) January for those who want to get moving and improve their wellbeing, or Dry January for those wanting to reduce their alcohol intake.  Others are trying to sell you things that you “need” to help you on your way… it’s easy to be lured in by the promise of a new and improved you.

I am also hearing people around me with unrealistic expectations of themselves, combining multiple changes all at the same time, or embarking on new diets.  Personally, I really dislike the word “diet” in the modern sense of the word.  It implies restriction and scarcity, and immediately leads me to want whatever it is that I’m supposed to be avoiding or not having.  As an illustration, if I ask you not to think about penguins, what is the first thing you think of? Penguins.  (The most important question here though is did you think of the black-and-white-cold-bird-kind or the chocolate-biscuit kind?!). Also, at the moment I think there are more than enough restrictions around with lockdowns and tiers and everything, so I don’t want to impose extra restrictions on myself, thank you very much.

So, after contemplating my options during my New Year’s Day walk today, I realised that at present I don’t have one particular aim.  And thus, my own resolution is somewhat smaller, not one big goal.  But it is a reset, getting rid of bad habits that have sneaked in inbetween the stresses of the last year and restoring some of the good habits that had fallen by the wayside.  To live mindfully, and notice the positive things I do to take care of myself, and avoid the things that are not-so-good.

Throughout the rest of January I will share my top tips for healthy habits – this is my 30days of healthy living.  I hope that some of these healthy habits might inspire you too, but at the same time I invite you to be mindful of what is realistic, and what is right for you and your body.

For me, the start of the New Year is an opportunity to reset and renew, to live mindfully in the present moment, to let go of the past and make positive intentions for the future.  Wishing you all well for 2021.

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